Second week of teaching practice

DAY-4 On October 9th 2023, I reached the school at 8:30 am and signed the attendance register. Today I have 3 classes. In the first period, I had gone to 8 F and in the second period and 4th period, I taught in class 9G. It was the first class I have taken in GVHSS Manacaud. It was a wonderful experience using various teaching aids. I also had meal duty at 12:30. I also got substitation periods in 6A and 5F. I give them certain puzzles. At 4pm, I left the school. DAY 5 10-10-2023 I reached the school at 8: 30 as usual and signed the attendance register. Today I have classes in 9 G and 8 F .I also assist the teachers in discipline duty .As it was milk distribution duty I have performed the duty well . I have taken the distribution of ocean temperature. I have used a model of earth for showing lattitude. Dr Bindu B Teacher observed my class and gives me a positive feedback. Today I left the school after 4 pm. Day 6 11 -10 - 2023 Today I reached t...