3rd week of teaching practice

DAY-8 I reached the school at 8.30 pm. I signed the attendance register and took the attendance on ix f after prayer. I also had period in 9c and 9G. I helped the teachers on arrangement of various programmes. I also had discipline duty. I had started the new chapter In the expansive plain.I left the school at 4:00 pm DAY-9 I reached the school at 8:30 pm. I signed the attendance register and have done the discipline duty. I took the attendance in and congratulated the students who excelled in the competition. I also had periods in 9 c and 9 G. I had taken the portion Regional division of North Indian plain .I performed the meal distribution duty. I left the school at 4:00 pm. DAY-10 I reached the school at 8:30. I signed the attendance register and have done discipline duty. I took the attendance in 9F and took class. I had taken the portion Punjab Haryana plain and Ganga plain. I also had period in 9C and 9 G. Today I helped the teachers of...