Last week of teaching practice

DAY 32 On July 29, I reached the school at 8:30 Am. I have classes in 9C, 9 G and 9f. Since I have conducted achievement test and I have previously informed that I will conduct diagnostic test. I conducted the diagnostic test. I left the school at 4:00pm. DAY 33 On July 30th, I reached the school at 8:30 am. I have signed the attendance register I have handled the classes in 9F, 9G and 9c. I have also engaged in meal distribution duty .I have also taken remedial lesson plan for the students. I left the school at 4:00 pm. DAY 34 It was the last day of internship in Govt VHSS Manacaud. Today I have classes in 9G, 9 C and 9f. I received the feedback letters from my students .I distributed laddoos to the students. I also took photos with the Headmaster and my concerned teacher Ganakumari Teacher. The teaching experience was so enriching to me and it would be a be milestone in the journeyof teaching .The school gifted me with experience which moulds me as a future nation b...