6th week of teaching practice



I reached the school at 8:30 and had 2 periods in 9 G and I went to 8F, 6 A, 7G, 7 A andI havetaken the portion challenges faced by development.   I have done meal distribution duty.I    and  I left the school at 4:0Opm.



I reached the school at 8:30. I have done discpline duty.  I have taken the portion Economic growth and Economic development.I got two periods in 9G and a period in 8 F .I distribated meal at lunchbreak.I left the school at 4:00 pm.



I reached the school at 8:30. I have done a discipline duty .I got 3 periods in 9G and I have taken the portion  and distribution of Human Happiness index ,Per capita income and Human development index .I have  done meal distribution duty left the school at 4:00pm.



I reached the school at 8:30 and signed the attendance register.I got two periods in 9G and  in 8F. I conducted a sociometry among the students of 8F.I have taken class on topic population and distribution of population



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